Roosevelt Crossing | ErikBishoff.com |
Well... the results are in (and have been for awhile). I spent the better part of the day updating the AIASWO.org (American Institute of Architects - Southwestern Oregon) chapter page with a list of the winners. For more information,
follow this link and/or read on!
"The AIA Southwestern Oregon People's Choice Awards is an annual public outreach event held at the Eugene Celebration whose purpose is to present recent work of architects and landscape architects and to encourage the public to critically engage the built environment. The emphasis is not on winning but on sharing and honoring all the work undertaken to make buildings and landscapes important and meaningful in our daily lives.
2010 brings a new award category in the form of the Mayor's Choice for Architecture. View Mayor Piercy's presentation video on YouTube by following this link.
Finally, if you would prefer to view the 2010 People's Choice Award images in a higher resolution PDF document (85.3mb), please click here."
Jaqua Center | ErikBishoff.com |
I'm happy to say that I have had the opportunity to capture two of the award winning buildings, and Mayor Piercy's favorites, myself. Enjoy!